I read only Castle. I want Castle/Beckett, Nathan/Stana together, to live happily ever after. I've read 747 Castle stories in wattpad & 3,359 Castle stories in fanfiction.net, 29 Castle in archiveofourown. Prefer fanfiction as stories are solid & easier to locate stories. It takes "umph" to start writing stories & "dedication" to continue writing them. Fortunate to have found this community.

If you wrote Castle fanfic(s) in English or foreign language, PM (or message) me so I can follow you. It means I inadvertently missed you. There is no way to "mass follow" by this group Stories \ TV \ Castle. One has to search the writers individually. (If same story appears in fanfiction.net & wattpad, I still read them individually at each site.) I would categorize the stories into:
a) angst/drama
b) comedy/humor
c) comfort
d) family
e) fluff (same as romance, depending on how story unfolds)
f) crime, mystery &/or suspense
g) romance (one & same as fluff in some cases, depending on how story unfolds)
h) science fiction
i) sex (castle fanfiction writers commonly refer to as "smut").
There is also the mix of any of them. I love the angst/drama & crime/mystery/suspense most (mixed with other categories or not) as it brings their characters, emotions, feelings, inner strengths, spirit, talents, thoughts & relationship the strongest & at their best. I love family as well when story exudes true spirit, personality of Castle & Beckett. It provides a very warm, cozy, recognizably comforting feeling uniquely Castle & Beckett.I prefer multi-chapter than one shots as plot develops & evolves with whatever twists & turns, it has a chance to climax & mature (& sometimes lives on you that you want to re-read it & does not leave you like the stories that I faved in fanfiction.net). Cliffhangers are great too. I never like tragedies & non-Caskett & I love Caskett & Stanathan.
  • JoinedMay 13, 2017

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