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if the past makes you who you are then im glad it happened and you should be too..these are all lessons..making us think and dont wanna be who you were then snd I wouldn't either..
I was a bully..and much im jus that kid..that ghost. that one that protects ,that one you dont mess with..and much more.. change if you dont like who the fuck you were a hoe for example..I know you fuckin hate that thought and we both know its irreversible but its in the god damn motherfuckin past so fuckin move on, you change by doing shit to change the present moment while remaining in the Now..not by focusing on the past..
I used to be some mouth was an nobody would agree to csll me a bully..because I realized that shit was wrong and fucked up yo..I I dont dread on it cuz I know im not..think with your damn thought with your heart and wanted the WANTS and got fucked over..of course it feels good but is that who you really wanna be..