
@_Ziallstagram_ i just got this message lol


my daughters name is Victoria. but she has always went by. Tori I've always called her that. and confidence spelled it the same way too. 
          I meant what I said about your book and finishing what you dtsrt even if only a few people are reading it. you don't have to have a set day for updates either nor explain why it took so long to update. if you aren't sure. when ,then put something. like monthly updates, or updated may be. slow..
          your book gets discovered when people put it in their reading library's but it end your first book


@Wild_Blue_Rose and you were your own worst critic.. so I challenge you to finish that book,not for me but do it for yourself, give it time and see where it goes. third time give it and yourself a chance. you book I'd an original idea and a unite let Mr know when you dtsrt writing again. Sincerely, Karla