
My head is foggy and school is decaying my sense of creativity and free will. Mental health is slowly deteriorating and I keep on getting new school projects to ‘complete’. I don’t like waiting for new chapters to arrive so I’ll give you a sneak peak as if it matters anymore haha -
          	"Wait," Max said suddenly, holding his arm out to stop his friends from moving, "What is it?" Neil questioned, lowering Max's arm, "I hear somebody!" Max whispered, "It's Gwen!" Max said, "We have to go or we'll be caught, follow me!" He ordered, running deeper into the woods, his friends following him.
          	When they stopped hearing Gwen's yelling, they stopped running and dropped to the floor, panting, "I... do not want to do that again!" Neil complained, "My legs aren't made to run at high speeds! It was made to move me around an air conditioned science lab, not run from a wage slave!" 
          	He groaned, covering his face with his hands, "That's because you're a nerd!" Nikki taunted, "But... you're our nerd." She smiled, patting Neil's head, but then she suddenly slapped him and yelled, "BUT YOU'RE STILL A NERD!" Neil, who tried to process what happened, sat in silence while Max and Nikki were chuckling together. 


Bonk Bonk d(·∀·*)♪゚


Hey it's me again just checking if you're not dead but anyways I'm not trying to rush you or anything but I was just wondering when you're going to write the next chapter of your story I really want to know their reaction when they meet each other so I hope you can update it as soon as you can please


My head is foggy and school is decaying my sense of creativity and free will. Mental health is slowly deteriorating and I keep on getting new school projects to ‘complete’. I don’t like waiting for new chapters to arrive so I’ll give you a sneak peak as if it matters anymore haha -
          "Wait," Max said suddenly, holding his arm out to stop his friends from moving, "What is it?" Neil questioned, lowering Max's arm, "I hear somebody!" Max whispered, "It's Gwen!" Max said, "We have to go or we'll be caught, follow me!" He ordered, running deeper into the woods, his friends following him.
          When they stopped hearing Gwen's yelling, they stopped running and dropped to the floor, panting, "I... do not want to do that again!" Neil complained, "My legs aren't made to run at high speeds! It was made to move me around an air conditioned science lab, not run from a wage slave!" 
          He groaned, covering his face with his hands, "That's because you're a nerd!" Nikki taunted, "But... you're our nerd." She smiled, patting Neil's head, but then she suddenly slapped him and yelled, "BUT YOU'RE STILL A NERD!" Neil, who tried to process what happened, sat in silence while Max and Nikki were chuckling together. 


Bonk Bonk d(·∀·*)♪゚


I guess -Overall- is on hold. So sorry for the late announcement and such, but too much is happening and I’ve been unmotivated and tired lately. Maybe I’ll post a sneak peek of the bonus chapter, idk. Again, so sorry! 