
@Sixx_Feet_Under Your welcome, and it was my pleasure I love reading your stories so please keep writing! And no I haven't figured it out yet, and the current pic is annoying the heck out if me! So... Your help would be appreciated, haha!


@belieber23 <33 and will do!! To change your picture:
          1) go to your profile page
          2)on the right near the 'send a message to fans' box, there will be a little button to pressthat says 'edit profile'. It's up near the top by your about me, you should see it.
          3) once you press it, it will take you to the page. On the right hand side down near the bottom, there will be a little box with your current picture and under that it will say something like' change/upload new oucture'.
          4) under that box there is one to change your profile background. Most pictures will work. You do the same thing for that as the other one.
          If you have nay of questions dont hesitate to send me a message! I'll help!!<33