Okay... I KNOW I said in my last message, that I would hopefully have chapter 3 up in the next week or two. And that message was posted back in April. I AM SO SORRY! I'll be honest, I don't know WHY I'm so stuck on chapter 3. BUT I AM. And I am working on it. I just want it to be perfect. And I'm sure that once I have chapter 3 written out the way I want it to (once I'm satisfied with it), chapter 4 will be such a breeze to write. As well as the rest of the book flow. I want to put out a small disclaimer, that chapter 3&4 are a bit slow, but are just filler chapters until the story picks up. Anyways, back to writing and listening to Liam's EP. If you haven't listened to it yet, then... what the HELL are you doing??? Open Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes ANYWHERE YOU CAN LISTEN TO IT! GO NOW, WHILE YOU WAIT FOR MY STORY!!! It's truly art, and my man deserves more recognition.
That is all.