
Ok, when did dark romance books revolve around grape, SA, trauma, and other stuff like that? I literally thought it was more about the unhealthy type of love, like being possessive or obsessed with someone. Please tell me if I'm wrong.


Hi, my beautiful BERRIES!!
          You have noticed that I have published three stories. I will be focusing on these stories for now and will eventually be publishing more. I Don't have a set schedule for these stories but I was thinking of:
          Tesoro Mio - Fridays
          Twisted paradise - Mondays
          As You Are - Wednesdays
          One again, I'm not sure yet but I will try to make this schedule happen. Maybe starting next week.


Ok, I might get hate from this but I am going to say it anyways. Some of you readers act like the book we post on here is suppose to be perfect. IT IS NOT. Everyone knows that at first the book isn't that good, but overtime we start to understand our writing style. Some author not all, they do rewrite their stories to make it better. Please understand that we try our best but sometimes your comments are so mean that it discourages us from writing and makes us want to write anymore. Yes constructive criticism is welcome but not in a mean or rude way. If you don't like the book, you don't have to read it. Again everyone has their own opinion but you don't have to shove it down everyone's throat. If you read this and feel some type of way then fine but do think before you comment on book or add them to your library.


I totally agree with you! Sometimes Authors are really hard on themselves on the book they’re writing because they want it to be perfect. Now, constructive criticism isn’t bad always gives room for improvement. But sometimes these readers need to understand that these authors are also human beings and have feelings. So this is a friendly warning if you have nothing nice to say keep your mouth shut and keep it pushing. I don’t tolerate nasty behavior, it’s truly disgusting  


agreed!! the amount of times i’ve removed my books from this platform literally hurts my soul. 


So I have seen a lot of books with the same name/concept as a WIP of mine. I started this book back in June of 2021. Should I just continue writing it or should I change the whole thing?


@BlexeBERRIE Continue writing it, but add the date when you started your story. Add it where you put the description, but on the bottom.


I don’t know when the other started their books and I wish them luck on them but I just needed some advice.