@Queen_221464 HAHAH THE FIRST SENTENCE MADE ME LAUGH. and world tour had to have been at least 2-3 years between all stars because 1. each season is usually a year ish apart and 2. when scott asks courtney if she kissed alejandro she says “yes but it was years ago” so duncan and gwen were clearly together for a long time. and AH ik when duncan was like protecting gwen it was so so sweet. i seriously love the little moments like that like whenever they smile at each other, or even just sitting by each other in the tdwt finale, or in all stars when gwen was surrounded by sharks and duncan was worried for her. and omg its so nice talking to you too especially since we have a lot of the same opinions. i hate talking to total drama fans who constantly slander my favorite characters lol (not that they’re doing it specifically to me, just posts mostly). and yeah i’d love to go pm/dm if it would be easier :)