
An important update to my beloved followers: I am so so SO sorry about not updating in like, 3 months. I've been going through a... rough time in my personal life and I've also been going through writer's block. I feel super guilty about leaving my stories on hold for so long, but I'm trying to work on them now. Once again, I'm really sorry, and I hope you're not all super mad at me for being on hiatus for so long. Thanks guys, love ya :)


An important update to my beloved followers: I am so so SO sorry about not updating in like, 3 months. I've been going through a... rough time in my personal life and I've also been going through writer's block. I feel super guilty about leaving my stories on hold for so long, but I'm trying to work on them now. Once again, I'm really sorry, and I hope you're not all super mad at me for being on hiatus for so long. Thanks guys, love ya :)


The only writer I've ever seen in this fandom that can correctly write smut is Kurumaka, well she's just a great writer in general but yeah. And thank you so much, I love your fics as well! Cutest fics I've ever read :)


I would never call you conceited, I feel the same way to be honest. Writing is my life passion. I literally pour my soul into my works, a little piece of my heart goes into each word. I understand you completely, this fandom has so many fics that are, no offense to the authors, written poorly and become the most popular stories. And then, before I lose all hope, I find authors like you who make stunning works. Keep on writing, I'll read your fics for sure :) Yeah, it's always the smut fics that get the attention. I really hope that the smut writers one day learn how sex really works, because right now they have it really inaccurate. I've never tried my hand at smut before, but I might since this fandom has few accurate fics.


why is it that some of the best writers in the Team Crafted fandom receive less recognition for their works? It... it's frustrating for me to see all of these incredibly talented and gifted authors get ignored for their masterpieces. They have created extremely valuable and moving works that have left me breathless on numerous occasions, but get ignored by most of the fandom. I don't understand it, sorry for the rant.
          The authors I'm mostly talking about are: minecraft-at-221B and tumblr user amsves.