My heart is so broken it’s powdered
So I snort it like cocaine
And hope to god my brain
Doesn’t get any louder
Because I’m starting to flounder
In this ocean of pain
Don’t know if I can feign
Being fucking okay
Because I’ve never felt sadder
Don’t ask how this happened but I decided to reread Cute Voice to help with consistency for the second one and first WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME HE WAS IN FRKN LOVE WITH HER HOW COULD I DO THAT I AM A MONSTER and also like I DONT REMMWBER PLANNING THAT OUT HOW DIS THAT COME OUT OF ME??? I feel like a proud mama hahah but also like ouch it hurt … After Jason’s depression eases a little I promise we’re going give him a real girl. He deserves it. ❤️