
I know I'm a bit late but I just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas and happy holidays for those of you who don't happen to celebrate


hey guys hows everone doing? its getting close to winter isnt it lol i hope your all doing alright. ik its been  a while or so it feels like it for me but ive just been so busy ith shool work anmd my parents being even stricter than ever. rn im on my computer so please excuse me for my spelling but i wish you all a good day 


ok so I keep getting ignored by my family and feel like I'm just seen as the babysitter for my younger cousins and siblings( I am the oldest but still )I was outraged when my sister pulled her eyes and said Japanese and Chinese like tf I told her it's racist and she told me her school friends taught her, the same who just give off bad vibes and I've been trying to tell her that ditching them may be the best option and ik it's hard but with her personality I'm sure she can make friends or the teacher can force people to hang out with her till they grow attachments like they did for me in primary. (she yr 6) anyways then my 8 yr old cousin suggested we played a sus af ver of tig n I'm worried of where she learnt it cos idk it's not rlly her, she suggested she slaps our asses and we do a t pose just make it look like your orgasming till someone flushes your arm like in toilet tig, I was creeped out and obvs said no and hey turns out I've got tonsillitis and a fever so dealing with all this today at my baby cousins bday party sure was frustrating and idk how I kept my cool especially when they had a pillow fight and kept falling on me ramming my leg into a metal bar. oh yeah and let's not forget the fact I had a huge headache and they were screaming their lungs off