( muse info: )
for all those currently interacting.
╱ henrik is a medieval era based muse, so all interactions are currently taking place in the 14th century. you can do your own thing when you reply, so it’s not necessary for you to.. write or include details of that era, but from my end, it will all be written in the setting of : ( MEDIEVAL ) time. so, you will see and experience the muse in the way he dresses, appears, acts && does things. some historic notes will be shared during the interaction, mainly just for the fun of it, and to enhance the experience.
( dated : Dec 18, 2023 )
this account includes : very graphic themes of, maturity, gore, horror, violence, torture, kidnapping, dark themes of magic, cult activity, historical count of things that the church did, which are heavily considered, ‘inhumane’ .. there is trauma, display of war carnage, and display of cannibalism ( shown ) from the character’s perspective. muse is a hunter of the supernatural, so a lot of gore and horror is displayed upon this account. viewers discretion is advised. read, and experience at your own risk.