I'm following everyone back again, so this is a message for you
Thanks for supporting me, thank you so much for being there even when I was gone
I really appreciate you
Maaf mengganggu waktu berharga Kakak dan adik sekalian, aku hadir cuman untuk promosi cerita Fantasy-ku, siapa tau kakak suka dengan cerita bertema fantasy-chinesse ini, aku akan berusaha membuat para pembaca tertarik dengan Chinesse dari Fantasy ini~
Kalau ingin baca tinggal klik link atau tekan di bawah ini.
Jangan lupa Follow dan Rating ya kak.
Congratulations!! you have been given the Beautiful Person award. Please post this on 8 different people's walls. If you break the chain and don't, nothing happens. It's just nice for the other person to know that their beautiful inside and out