
I don't want to disappoint you again and I really hate doing this but school is stressing me too much and I am kind of going insane over everything so I think that Disaffection will be updated over the next weekend because I swear I have been staring at my computer for more than an hour and all I have written so far are three lines. Three shitty lines.
          	I am really sorry that you have to put up with me :(
          	I will try to make it up to you, I swear


I don't want to disappoint you again and I really hate doing this but school is stressing me too much and I am kind of going insane over everything so I think that Disaffection will be updated over the next weekend because I swear I have been staring at my computer for more than an hour and all I have written so far are three lines. Three shitty lines.
          I am really sorry that you have to put up with me :(
          I will try to make it up to you, I swear


BEN! Don't make yourself sick with worry!!! That's not a good thing! School sucks, and don't stress about updating. Take care of yourself first, then school, then you can worry about updating! You have nothing to apologize for.
          I need to catch up, and I can't wait until I can(honestly moving sucks).


So uhm, this is my apology because I owe you a big one.
          I know lately I've been really shitty on this website and I am really sorry, I also know that I said I would have updated during the previous weekend and I didn't. 
          I am so so so sorry the reason why I am practically non-existent here is that school is killing me, I know for most of you this may not seem a serious problem but for me it is and I am so stressed and tired that I end up being sick (yesterday's trip to the hospital for example)
          I will try to update thia week, I will really try, and if you are still reading my story, and waiting for me well all I have to say is a MASSIVE thank you.
          B. xx 


I don't think i will be able to update Disaffectation this week because I have been studying studying studying and studying and I can't find the time to write...I'll try but I can't assure you anything, 
          I am sorry :( x