
this message may be offensive
dna is such a fucking bop.
          	always on repeat, ugh.


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i found a girl who listened to the neighbourhood today.
          was happy for a minute then realized that my life is literal shit and i'm going to fail right out of college and be the laughing stock of my community and bring shame to my family.
          [proceeds to commit mental suicide].


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so i just watched beauty and the beast. the live action one with emma watson.
          this might be totally shallow of me to say, but beast was better looking as a beast. both in the animated version and live action.
          beast as a beast was hot. i'd go down on all fours for him any day of the week. does that make it BEASTiality? (see what i did there? wink wonk)
          oh my glob, it does!
          i'm horrible.
          and i just fucking love stanley tucci, it's like he has a penchant for taking peculiar and quirky roles; as well as johnny depp.


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@benchwxrmer and dude, his hair was so telltale fake when he turned back to human form. those tracks and extensions were real honey and I was NOT living for it.  also, their makeup was just terrible. who the fuck did it? a drunk hobo named frank who was also coincidentally blind? 


honestly, i'm just waiting on wednesday october 11 to be honest.
          i'm in dire need of season two of riverdale.
          and one punch man.
          and yuri!!! on ice.
          and could you believe that kj apa was just 19 before the 16th of june?
          like i legit thought he was in his mid twenties.
          dude's so buff.
          it's like a whole other world in australia.