
Alright. New WRECKED update coming soon! I started writing the sequel and got behind, I'm sorry!


Hi Bennett! I'm not seeing Wrecked up here. Is it still on Wattpad?


That's good! Glad to hear it's coming back up at some point.


Hey Sarah, sorry for taking so long to write back!! I've been busy apply for colleges and scholarships! But no, I had to take Wrecked down, because I screwed up the plot line tremendously! And I didn't catch it until I was editing the chapters. So it was back to the drawing board!! :( but I do plan on having it back up!


Hey _kingbennett, thanks for following me! If you don't already, please check back for frequent updates on my stories. I will be posting as often as possible. Feel free to correct my mistakes and/or leave me advice. Thanks again! -Misty ☯❄