
Hey guys, kind of a non sequitur but my dog had puppys and my cat had kittens in the same two months, and we're trying to give two pups (boy+girl) and two cats (boy+boy) away, if you're near or in Bakersfield California PM to get the stats to adopt one or more. Love ya guys


Hey guys, kind of a non sequitur but my dog had puppys and my cat had kittens in the same two months, and we're trying to give two pups (boy+girl) and two cats (boy+boy) away, if you're near or in Bakersfield California PM to get the stats to adopt one or more. Love ya guys


Hey thanks for following me i hope u like my stories my friend helps my write them he has his own stories go and follow him hes also a follower of mine goldtale sans and fredbear


@kayrocks626 alright. Thank you for the suggestion.


Hey guys just let you know I'm depressed for a while my dad just back to the bay area it's going to be a long time to come back the 4th of July to be exact and I really miss him always been a daddy's girl so no mean comments and please don't rush me I promise I'll keep it steady flow and I'm trying my best and things are really heavy thank you for all the support you guys have given me


@benten-lover-lizten :I understand *hugs you*


Okay since one of my friends I'm not going to say who is having problems I'm going to write this to all the followers and friends who made need help if you have any problem with bullying teasing or not being accepted just let me know I'm always here for you guys I even have a book and I'll talk to you guys there too just leave a comment and I'll make a chapter about it and then talk to you some more on the subject or I'll just talk to you if you don't want to put one specific problem that you're having posted not about you per se just about the problem that you're having I'm always here for anyone who needs me just message me if you feel like you can't talk to anybody else just know you can always talk to me