Also, I will be very grateful if found some time to check ADAMANTINES out..
A queer egg-like spacecraft drifted through the murkiness of space in absolute silence, akin to a dreaded banshee predator nobody has ever come across. It was about 2 miles long and had a mid-section diameter not far from a mile. It also flaunted a somewhat daunting lumpy evenly pitted exterior, permeated with haphazard shallow craters. Someone perceiving from afar would have indubitably identified it as a mere massive infrequent space rock, only that this one was the opposite!
The whole thing seemed completely out of place and time given that its odd silhouette, texture, and inexplicable design wholly flouted all the known laws of physics on Earth. Startlingly, it lacked any discernible propulsion systems and probably appeared to have originated from a galaxy known as Maffei 1– a vast spiral galaxy adjoining the Perseus and Cassiopeia constellations. Maffei 1 is greatly credited for its bluish radiance permeated with innumerable bright sparkling miniature orbs that impart a splendid magical sight to any advancing visitor.