
current works (drafts):
          	-Relics (fic? rewriting to original)
          	-Madstones (fic)
          	-The Renegade Chronicles (original)
          	-Scarlet (original)
          	-Snare (fic) 
          	i wasn't able to finish my phandom big bang story, but maybe i'll post what i did write sometime.


current works (drafts):
          -Relics (fic? rewriting to original)
          -Madstones (fic)
          -The Renegade Chronicles (original)
          -Scarlet (original)
          -Snare (fic) 
          i wasn't able to finish my phandom big bang story, but maybe i'll post what i did write sometime.


Ignoring the fact i have less than a month to finish my fic, uhhh ive been working on something truly, truly terrible that i would like to share with you all soon. be on the lookout for that. or dont be. it's seriously tremendously a dark hole of a story. is it even a story? its a shitpost. its made with regret and sleep deprived writing. anyway, gang gang.


Lol okay so um
          I'm terrible at keeping at writing BUT as it stands right now I'm working on a dnp fic called Nine of Wands. This one I'm obligated to finish (bc it's in for PBB 2018), so look forward to that in six months :)