VERY VERY IMPORTANT *this message is not originally mine * I NEED EVERYONE'S HELP RIGHT NOW. THIS IS FOR EVERYONE'S SAFETY. Most of you on Wattpad might have heard of Jason the pedo or Jason Vines. He is a disgusting pedophile who harrasses many young girls who are minors and texts them overtly sexual things and assaults them in general. And every time we block and report him from wattpad he always gets a new account and I tried contacting wattpad but it IS NOT WORKING. That's why I need everyone to REPORT and BLOCK his present two accounts, @ STATIC-344 and shadow_the_4457. This is for everyone's safety, and I want you to spread this message EVERY WHERE YOU CAN. WE NEED THIS TO GO VIRAL. COPY AND PASTE ON PEOPLE'S MESSAGE BOARDS. SO PLEASE PROTECT EVERYONE AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE. There are some books on this, so read them and spread awareness if you have the time.