Okay I need to let y'all know what's going on. I also know a few of you have a lot going on, too, so you will probably get it.
Not only did I take on a huge commitment last year, but I also took in my sister and her 4 kids the first week or so of June 2022. This is a wonderful, wonderful thing as she has left an abusive relationship and is the very stressful, scary and elating transition period right now. I am also having to take on part time work in order to bring a bit more income in (though I feel i shouldn't have to *eye roll*) so it's going to be even harder than the last 24 months to write on my own work as well as give the feedback all of you deserve for your wonderful creations.
I will be trying my very best to get back on here and update, but the stress and time taken away from this beloved platform is taking it's toll.
I will be back, and it will be sporadic for a time.
Have good health, keep creating and love others.