So! I recently cleaned out my account taking down all my stories. I know that Battle For the Liryu had been my most successful one, but quite frankly I grew out of that story. And as for Daunting Secrets, I fell out of love with not only the story, but the characters themselves. And that's the problem. Without the love, I don't have the drive to write that story anymore. I thoroughly apologise to those who read it and enjoyed it. Should I feel the spark again, I may consider bringing it back, but until then, that story will rest in peace.
As for what will be happening with this account: no, I have not given up writing. No, I have not run out of ideas. Yes, I do have works that I am working on. And yes, I will be posting them here.
However, at the moment they are works in progress and not until recently have I had time to work on them. They are full of characters that I have come to love and cherish dearly and that I am highly invested in. These stories are far more mature in nature, however, so I will take the correct precautions for posting them, though I hope you will enjoy them nevertheless. I just wanted to give you guys an update and I will continue to do so in the weeks approaching as I continue working on these stories.
One of them, titled "Into You" can already be found on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) via the link in my description. As more chapters are updated there, I will also post here so as to keep both audiences up to date and entertained. Anyway, enough of my blabbering!
I hope that you will continue to stick with me and enjoy what stories I have to share with every one of you.