
i’m baaaackkkk


my old wattpad comments HAUNT me. 


i’m so embarrassed by them whenever someone replies


same  i’m skipping school rn 


when ur not friends with someone and they quite literally will not leave u alone bc they keep apologizing every month either through a friend or just through a random acc they made bc u blocked them on everything even when u accept their apology and repeatedly say u don’t wanna be friends even tho u really don’t care and don’t accept the apology at all but u just wanna be left alone bc it’s already awkward enough seeing them in school and their monthly apologies doesn’t make it any better 


guys i have sm homework to dooooo i’m so exhausted i’m gonna have to pull an all nighter to do photograpjy and world history but tbh world history isn’t hard it’s just annoying to do sometimes but photograpjy is so ugly i hate it im dropping that class tmrw i’m gonna email my counselor idc if i get a whole schedule change i’m getting outtt


this message may be offensive
bro today was activity fair and my gym teachers a wrestling coach and he was demonstrating what they do in wrestling and wrestled this kid HIS ASS WAS SWEATING LKKE HIS ASS CRACK WAS SWEATUNG IVE NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD IB MY LIFE


but he’s a bitch bc he made us do all these ugly running back and forth in different ways for half the class like bro