Hello, my lovely readers!
I am happy to inform you all, especially my Seven Deadly Sins anime/manga fans that Britannia's Sins, book 1 of Sins and Zodiacs, will be resuming after Shelby's Girl is completed!
I am quite far with this story in my drafts I spent my ill days rereading this story and I regained my inspiration to continue writing and haven't stopped for the past few days (except for work and family moments, of course).
The layouts of when the series will be split into books have been planned out in a way I assume will work, so there aren't a lot of books due to how much extra I will be adding. I'm currently nearing the 100th chapter of the first book, I thought this would be better for my writing and it has helped a lot.
This means that the long-awaited part 2 of Wolf Sin of Betrayal will be returning eventually, I'm still working on the notes for this but have started four chapters. As I'm working on Sins and Zodiacs, I am also working out the path for this book. Please bear with me as I can only work on one of the same story at one time, without confusing myself or duplicating myself as I have done.
For my Peaky Blinders fans who are reading my Shelby's Girl series, don't fret, I will resume publishing this series on Friday as well, however, there won't be as many chapters as usual.
Publishing new plan:
1st - Finish publishing Shelby's Girl
2nd - Resume publishing Britannia's Sins (I doubt I'd have completed this by the finishing of Shelby's Girl)
Publishing along with Britannia's Sins:
1st - Publish Giselle side story to Mad Red
2nd - Villain's Happy Ending