
Hi everyone! I just want to apologize for my absence. I know I said I was going to update soon but I got writers block…again. I just had no motivation and I felt like the book doesn’t have a plot so I’ve been trying to figure that out! But I will write a chapter some time soon. I just wanted to let you guys know what’s up and know that I am still alive :) 


Hi everyone! I just want to apologize for my absence. I know I said I was going to update soon but I got writers block…again. I just had no motivation and I felt like the book doesn’t have a plot so I’ve been trying to figure that out! But I will write a chapter some time soon. I just wanted to let you guys know what’s up and know that I am still alive :) 


Hello! I know I haven’t posted I’m a while I just haven’t gotten around to it but maybe later tonight or tomorrow I will start uploading chapters again! I also wanted to say thank you for all votes! I really appreciate it and thank you everyone for reading! 500+ views !!! Wow I’m truly humbled rn I wasn’t expecting the book to do as well as it is. So please bare with me! Chapters will be coming soon!