Sorry I haven't posted in a while--it's been hectic and stressful (we're trying to buy an actual house like we're actually adults or something *shock*)! But! Things are beginning to work out/calm down a bit again, which means I finally have the motivation to write! So, I'm working on chapter 10 and expect to have it done tonight or tomorrow, yay! So look out for that update :)

@_A_D_I_ I'm about 25k words into it right now (I think I missed the last deadline by a few hours, which is probably for the best since this story is definitely NOT a novella). When we move in a couple of months, I'll be setting up the spare room as my personal writing office/cat room! ...I have big plans for this plot... I also haven't been able to read your story recently but I always see it being updated so I'll continue it soon! :)

@bezhou A while back I knew a user on here too who was on her way to buy a house but she stopped writing altogether after that, hope that that doesn't happen with you. I haven't been able to read your story further since the first chapter because of the deadline. How far are you in your story?