
Ok so guys my life has been so chaotic the last 5 months. As you know we added our precious daughter to our family and she has been the most amazing experience. But it's also been hectic getting into the role of mothering an infant again as our youngest before her is 4. She was born with some breathing difficulty due to them having to take her early because I had pre eclampsia and last week after everything she had already had to go through she got RSV while my other children had a stomach bug. It was rough but she is getting better as are my other girls. I swear I have not forgotten you guys and I will be finishing Back to where it started, it will just take me a bit longer then anticipated and  I'm sorry for that. I've just been really drained and exhausted lately, but I'm glad that people are still reading my stories I love getting notifications that someone else has liked something I've written. So this is for all of my followers I will be back soon, I already have another chapter written out and in the coming weeks it will be put up just keep barring with me. You all are awesome.


@kazzo96  yep I had her back in September about a month early it was rough and I guess I never really announced it. There were just a lot of problems and it had been my fourth cesarian on top of it all. Like I said it was rough but we all made it so that's what matters lol.


Take all the time you need  and I’m not sure if I saw that you had had your baby girl while reading your story but anyway congratulations 


Hey I got a notification to say to posted an announcement on Back to where it started yesterday but every time I tried to open the announcement it was never there. 
          I’m assuming you ended up deleting the announcement post?? 
          Hope all is well :) 


@ quiero leerlo en español pero no puedo


@bhindthesehazeleyez haha yeah sometimes you just gotta pull back for a while before going back to it 


Ok so guys my life has been so chaotic the last 5 months. As you know we added our precious daughter to our family and she has been the most amazing experience. But it's also been hectic getting into the role of mothering an infant again as our youngest before her is 4. She was born with some breathing difficulty due to them having to take her early because I had pre eclampsia and last week after everything she had already had to go through she got RSV while my other children had a stomach bug. It was rough but she is getting better as are my other girls. I swear I have not forgotten you guys and I will be finishing Back to where it started, it will just take me a bit longer then anticipated and  I'm sorry for that. I've just been really drained and exhausted lately, but I'm glad that people are still reading my stories I love getting notifications that someone else has liked something I've written. So this is for all of my followers I will be back soon, I already have another chapter written out and in the coming weeks it will be put up just keep barring with me. You all are awesome.


@kazzo96  yep I had her back in September about a month early it was rough and I guess I never really announced it. There were just a lot of problems and it had been my fourth cesarian on top of it all. Like I said it was rough but we all made it so that's what matters lol.


Take all the time you need  and I’m not sure if I saw that you had had your baby girl while reading your story but anyway congratulations 


I just wanted to let everyone know I have not forgotten Back to where it started. I havent had internet, except for on my phone, for a little over a week. It has been a real pain but I assure you as soon as I have it back you all will see some chapters. I'm trying to get as much done as I can before baby comes. But that's been proven a little difficult, and now they are talking about taking her early. I really am sorry for the trouble I've had this go around. Just try to stick with me. Please.


Happy New Year everyone, it's been a long Year to say the least. I think I lost a little of myself at the start of last year and my neighbor-who knew I loved to read- introduced me to this site and then I went on to find also. There were so many great stories I could get lost in when I needed a breather from my everyday life and then one day I sat down to write a one-shot that turned into a twenty nine chapter story and I found that I was happy doing this. So thank you for all the encouragement and kind words I have a few things I'm working on right now so look out for them and I hope everyone has a great year.


@bhindthesehazeleyez A great New Year and 2018 to you, too!