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/ . HERE - So Siatam and Mumen were hanging out . That was a completely new experience for the former , considering they'd never really done much of that ever . Even back in school , they'd never really talked all that often , just small ' his ' or ' how are ya 's here and there . So for them to be hanging out 10 years later as Pro Heroes , having reconnected through a gROUP CHAT , it kind of surprised Caped Baldy . He wasn't complaining , no - Mumen was fuckin' hilarious . He insulted Grou on a daily basis and while the ex-villain was one of Siatam's closest friends , he couldn't help but the laugh at all the colourful insults that got thrown his way . Mumen was always good with words like that . Well , somewhat , at least . So here they were , in a park in City Z , having ice cream on a hot ass day , watching dogs run wild and the few kids swing back on forth on the set Siatam clearly remembered himself playing on back in the day . And there was really nothing bad about it ! Mumen was awesome company . They hadn't made any talk since they got their ice cream , though , and Siatam was determined to at least spark SOME sort of interaction between the two . " So . . how's life been ? " / . IT FUCKING SUCKS I'M SORRY .

/ @bicyclings / /. UM - IDK BRO - but i'm sorry for not responding yet - and also not responding this time around - i will get one out tomorrow i promise ! it's just this stupid migraine won't leave me alone and i'm in so much pain )) :

( @_BALDCAPE_ ) ⫽ fuuuudge so like what kind of monster are we talkin about- mumen had also heard the crash, and he swerved back his head once again. concern began to cloud his expression, but noticing he had fallen behind, he quickly shuffled to catch up with his fellow hero. once he had been in step with saitama, he threw back his head to the sky. and a sudden sigh rolled his small shoulders back. this was awkward now. even for mumen, who didn't really mind the long pauses and silence between their conversation. another crash, this time, satoru nudged saitama's arm with his elbow and threw his thumb over his shoulder. ❝ we should go check it out. ❞ he decided, with a firm nod of his head. to which the hero flipped his heel and turned his bike to walk the opposite direction down the pathway. ❝ i rarely ever have any free time. but when i do, i usually go to the ramen place down the street from my house, or - ❞ mumen paused upon seeing a fallen tree in their path and quiet screaming in the far distance. desperare shouts for heroes, like the two of them, to come to their aid. mumen sprung into action and swerved his bike around the tree and began pedaling toward the source, knowing saitama wouldn't have much trouble catching up.

/ @bicyclings / / . yes please basasbiha - " Yeah. " Siatam said , not really knowing how to hold this conversation. It weird weird talking one on one with Mumen. Like he mentioned earlier , the two had never really spoken before , even in school. While Mumen was nice company it was also very awkward , for Siatam at least. He was never really all that good at socializing anyway. He could have sworn he heard a crash somewhere behind them. He turned his head , but he didn't see anything from his position , so he shrugged his shoulders and brushed it off , figuring it HAD to be his imagination. No way the monsters were that good and timed an attack just as Siatam was kind of wishing for one , right ? Nah. Monsters were dumb. Well , most of them anyway. " What do you usually do in your free time ? " Saitama asked , scratching the back of his neck as he finished off his ice cream , wiping his hand on the leg of his suit. There was another crash behind them. His eyebrows furrowed together and he shook his head. He refused to believe it.


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/ . i really wanna drop a starter for mumen but i suck absolute ASS at them -

/ . ngl mumen rider can justice crash himself into me at any given moment of the day -

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"Oh shit. Its you." The short boy said with a rather familiar tone simular to that of the large man who infiltrated the museum and took that gem. Well that gem stayed at the museum and he walked away. But now he was different. 5'8, purple slit eyes with a familiar grin on his lips. He looked like a complete stranger to the hero he waltzed up to who seemed to be enjoying his time patrolling. Rolling his head aside he patted the handlebar a few times till he noticed the snack lunch he made. Licking his lips he took an apple from the basket and bit into it. "Been a while, Hero. What was your name again? Moon man rider?" He asked with a full mouth as he chewed on what was the heroes apple until he greedily took it for himself because his body he was sharing needed nourishment. And it was clear that he hadn't eaten in a while with how violently his stomach growled. "Ah right you mustn't remember me!" He snickered as he slapped his forehead as a means to remember what he forgot." Its me, Greed~" a hum escaping his lips as he took another bite of his apple." Confusing eh?"

( @GREEDYSNAKE ) for some reason, mumen rider found himself feeling grateful for the villain's kindness. never in his life did he think he'd ever feel that way, and he shamefully scowled at himself in the mirror for it. but he was appreciative. it didn't take him long to jump in the shower. he sighed in relief as he felt the warmth crawl down his bare spine. his shoulder hadn't been sore anymore, and he could roll it freely without pain. his neck, however, was a different story. it stung to the touch, but when left alone, it became docile. satoru exhaled once again, and for a moment, he just stood there. greed's hollar snapped him back into reality, and he began washing his hair. ❝ just born that way, i guess. ❞ the hero called back as he finished up. the eerie squeak of the shower knobs signalled mumen had been done. to which he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his drenched body. man, he was small. he really only had visible muscle on his torso and legs. all of the biking he did really did him justice. ❝ you got my clothes? this towel isn't exactly comforting. ❞ mumen almost teasingly shouted from the other side of the door. after taking a few moments to fiddle with his hair in the mirror, mumen snuck another glance at the tattoo now perched between the base of his neck and the beginning of his shoulder. what a weird few days it's been.

@bicyclings "Takes some time to understand me. Just don't get too used to it." He laughed as he helped him to his feet. Setting both hands on his shoulders to steady him." Take your time in there. You've literally bled in that armor. You need a break." He patted him a few times with a smirk before sending him off into the bathroom. Though he didn't have Mumen's exsact size since he was physically bigger than him he scraped up some clothes from the former owner of the apartment. A pair of skinny jeans, a black T-shirt and socks. Shoes however were a now go. Greed even cringed a bit due to lack of shoes to begin with. The size of the clothes still would have been a bit too big for him. So as Satoru showered he took a quick peek at the size of his clothes. His eyes widened a bit as he looked to the bathroom door." Your pants size is medium? Your a skinny guy, ain't you?" He asked as he wrote down his exsact numbers for his clothes on a note pad and stuffed it into his pants pocket. Instead of taking a normal look as he would he looked more like a biker. A leather jacket left open, leather boots, a pair of jeans with chains on them. However those leather boots had heels when he put them on while Satoru was showering. Appearing a bit taller than he was before as he worked them out a bit." And I always ask myself why I like these so much I have to get them..?"

( @GREEDYSNAKE ) ❝ woah, really? so you don't have to worry about like, your looks going down the drain? ❞ mumen nodded his head, and as a child would when sitting in science class, his eyes grew wide. he was a bit surprised greed had told him all of this, if he was honest with himself. despite not knowing each other for long, greed had saved mumen many times. from the alley, to the bar, and letting him stay in his room for the night. though, satoru wasn't so sure about the tattoo thing still. ❝ nah, i'd live, just barely. ❞ the hero slightly shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head as he spoke. despite how many times he's been mortally wounded, his hunger for justice would always see him through his pain. as youthful as it sounded, he had cheated death multiple times. while fearing it behind his apartment door. he did feel a bit shameful, sitting here and talking so casually with a villain. but he also felt safe there, as weird and mindboggling as it was. mumen didn't realize he had smiled until greed had returned with one of his own. ❝ that sounds nice, thank you. ❞ satoru exhaled, and slowly rose to his feet. his stomach hadn't been in knots anymore, but his head still pounded. he struggled a bit to regain his balance at first when he first stood, though it didn't last long. he began to saunter toward the bathroom, he then threw a glance over his shoulder. ❝ y'know, you're not such a piece of crap after all. ❞ before he closed the door.

//Greed lowkey just finds mumen too adorable to kill mercilessly- to him he's like another Edward Elric to screw with xD

You get times where you want something that you don't have. In this case a certain gem in a historic museum. With much intrest, Greed had his sights set on a certain jewel. In which case held something valuable. Greed didn't just want any jewel, no. He wanted a special item that just so happened to get put on display. At this museum in city J. And he was dead set on getting it by force since thoes he tried to bribe turned him down. He didn't pay the toll to get in. Resulting in two guards mercilessly gutted and strung up like pinata's. His hands covered in blood as his red eyes and sharp toothed grin glistened over the thin glass case that covered the deep blue gem. A light snicker escaped his lips as he overlooked the empty museum after the bells went off." This is far too easy." He liked the feeling of being in control. Taking the priceless gem in his hand as he viewed it closely with a look of hunger. A greedy hunger. Till his ears caught the sound of a siren blaring beyond the sounds of the bells. 'WARNING: A THREAT LEVEL WOLF HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN THE JAPANS HISTORIC MUSEUM OF CULTURE! KEEP YOUR DISTANCE AND REFRAIN FROM SUBDUING THIS DANGEROUS INDAVISUAL.' A his sharp grin grew as he realized that the warning was meant for him.' Whatta you know~ I'm popular." He hummed as he started to make his way to the exit. Stuffing the gem that was as large as his hand into a bag he brought with him. Like another walk in the park for the bastard. Till his eye lazily caught sight of a small male on a bike standing in front of him. Covered in armor to Greed he looked very odd. 'Who the hell is this guy..?'

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as if he hadn't already overstepped his boundaries, mumen even swerved in front of the villain just before the exit with his arms and legs sprawled out much like a starfish would. ❝ those people will not have died for your sick enjoyment. ❞ his voice was more stone-like than before. serious and determined to see this out. ﹔AH SHIT - I CLICKED SEND DAMMIT

( @GREEDYSNAKE ) mumen had to admit; he was surprised that his boldness had proven effective. usually it didn't get him anywhere but in a hospital bed. this was no time for celebration, however. this man was dangerous and all the people that he has killed needed justice. mumen lowered his fists down to his sides as he watched the other, confusion became a mere haze in his eyes and it shone through his voice. ❝ so, you're done? just like that? you're letting me live? ❞ he was swift to catch the gem in his fingers. in which he cradled against his chest like it was a child. he creased his brows and took a few more steps forward. ❝ hey, you can't just leave empty - handed! all of this would be pointless! the people you killed need justice! ❞ mumen shouted, as he foolishly began to trail the other toward the exit almost desperately. he couldn't let such an individual be walking the streets, the guild he would feel would surely crush him. ❝ everybody makes mistakes. maybe this was yours. ❞

@bicyclings He could tell just by looking at the other's quivering lips that he was scared. He was shivering but he refused to leave. It made greed question how stupid this guy really was. If he had eyebrows he'd be raising them in surprise." Jesus kid. Your either the dumbest bastard I've ran into. Or your just that bold." Shaking his head his face began to show itself to him. Yet the thick black armor remained on his body. Taking the gem from the bag he looked at it. Sighing with a slight giggle he tossed the rock to Mumen. It was hard to describe it but greed can also cause bordom of an item he's killed to get to. That large sparkling gem was one of them. He became bored of it in such a short span that he was willingly going to give it back." Take it, Pipsqueak. I don't want it anymore. You made me not want it anymore. Congratulations." He raised his hand as he turned his back to him to casually start walking to the exit. "I ain't going to prison though. You can't put me in there because I'd just break out as soon as I got in." //sorry it's so short-- ;3;

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Guhh I wanna send a starter for this innocent lil shit-//

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