
Uploaded a visualization of my poem 'Lucifer' on Instagram: and YouTube:


Is anyone reading this book? If not, I am going to take this down. Can't face the risk of stolen material for nonexistent readers. I only know one reader, and I might as well go out of my way to share my story with them. 


this message may be offensive
BLACK LIVES MATTER BLACK LIVES MATTER BLACK LIVES MATTER and if you say all lives matter i swear i’ll eat your fucking kneecaps anyways, black people are being killed by police officers because systematic police racism is so deep rooted in america AND AMERICA’S JUDICIAL SYSTEM IS FUCKED BECAUSE POLICE OFFICERS ARE SO PROTECTED WHEN THEY SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR FUCKING KILLING AN INNOCENT MAN. also, trump continues to just tweet pointless shit and isn’t doing SHIT about america literally becoming a dystopia so if you’re american please please PLEASE vote this coming election for literally ANYONE BUT TRUMP and SIGN PETITIONS AND DONATE funds to george floyd’s family and other families of black people who’s blood has been pointlessly spilled at the hands of the institution. 
          Via @universallyincorrect


@bidiyak Hey buddy!
            I hope you are doing well. Its new day, new beginning,new opportunities to win again, new blessing. 
            Sorry for spamimg your profile, but please do to chech out the reliable company which i benefit from making my income peaceful if time permits. It will mean a lot and beneficial.