
Okay so this is a late post. But I have officially decided to take down my story “Daddy” it was a decision that i thought super hard about. It stopped getting views and as i got older i realized i just didn’t want to write it anymore. It’s not the type of story I want being my most viewed. I was super young when i started writing that. It’s just best for me to take it down and take a new path. I am so sorry. 


Okay so this is a late post. But I have officially decided to take down my story “Daddy” it was a decision that i thought super hard about. It stopped getting views and as i got older i realized i just didn’t want to write it anymore. It’s not the type of story I want being my most viewed. I was super young when i started writing that. It’s just best for me to take it down and take a new path. I am so sorry. 


Daddy is still getting attention and I haven't updated that in months. Thank you guys so much. I am trying to finish amnesia before i do anything and then I will be editing both secrets and daddy. Thanks so much for your continued support


I am so sorry that I haven't been updating. I literally have been so stressed with college and everything that I have absolutely no time to sit down and write chapters for "Daddy?" or "Secrets." Currently I am editing "Daddy?" Because I want to change the plot and stuff like that just because it needs a little more detail. So if you see that story disappear from my works, don't worry, I plan on reposting it when I get it finished up to where I left off. Then I'll update as I can. As with secrets, I have a chapter started and I can't say when I'm going to finish it because i really don't know when. But I will finish it. Just give me time, I'm really stressed out right now guys. But thank you for your continued support, I love you all


Okay so I realized that I never gave a reason as why I wasn't updating. Well here it is. My laptop charger broke and my laptop is dead. So I can't really update as I use my laptop to write my chapters. Please be patient with me guys, I know it's hard and you're all probably annoyed but I truly am sorry for the slow updates. 