
Hello everyone! My god I know I haven't been in ages but we hit 100 followers! That's insane thank you so much! I'm trying to slowly get back to writing my stories but I have big exams coming up soon and my attetion is focused on that. I just popped by to say thank you so so much. It means a lot to me. So yeah, that's it really! Have an awesome day!


Hello everyone! My god I know I haven't been in ages but we hit 100 followers! That's insane thank you so much! I'm trying to slowly get back to writing my stories but I have big exams coming up soon and my attetion is focused on that. I just popped by to say thank you so so much. It means a lot to me. So yeah, that's it really! Have an awesome day!


First of all, I apologise to anyone who was looking for an update to any of the stories I've written. Let me explain my predicament. 
          Honestly, I don't know if I want to continue writing for any of my stories that I have on my profile now. 
          I'm sorry, but I just don't have the motivation, time or the inspiration to finish them. And it's not like I don't watch Jack anymore -quite the contrary if anything- but I just don't get excited enough to write fanfiction for him. 
          Maybe one day I'll come back to them and rewrite them, but for now, I'm preoccupied with school and developing some plot lines for my own stories. I might publish it here, but I haven't really decided yet because this site seems to boost more fanfiction than general fiction. 
          Don't get me wrong; I loved writing those stories at first, I really did. But now, things have -unfortunately- changed and I have to follow these changes. 
          I'll be back soon, I promise. 


Argh I'm so annoyed at myself! I've literally no inspiration to write for TSC, even though we're so close to the end (unfortunately!). I feel like I wanna just take it down, rewrite some chapters to make the plot clearer and actually finish it. But it's hard because I not only have other story ideas bouncing frantically in my head, but I also have a sequel planned for TSC. 
          I really need some advise and just get a clear picture of where I'm going in terms of writing on this site in general.