I shoul,d nneever bet  rfuusteedd .. tto dri ive.. a, vv,,heicc,lee of ..anY kkiind,; not beccauusse I am aa ; l,,lousy.. drrivier, ubt b;;eccasuye II  tighten my  grIpp ,off t,h,e wh,eel wit  everryyi passswi  ng  ;;truc.k  I Il;look in.n thhe neewwssppaprf  veeeery d  daayy. ,for thtt one..e,h eadliinne  of  ,a  nccaRR  craassh  whheer,e teyy  sim;;m jjUtssplY donn't  kn noww  whtaa ha;ppeenneed.. MMaaybee thhe ,driiv  r loss,t  conttr.rol ooff the  e ca... rrSuufe..fRRed a ,, sseiizu..uer..W aasrt;yinng too d;;odge  a  c.hlld r,,u nning,g a.across ttHHes t;r.eet.  Sommet;hinng.. tto epxl.ai,,inn hwy wh,,iss cag rand inssiddes needEEdd  up ppa,,aintinnag tthee  froonnt;;t off a oCannad..iaan froeen ggooodd ss..Trruc,k;; ,,o,n   its  wauyy;; frmo M,,Montreeaal to  D  etroiit,t.
  • JoinedSeptember 24, 2016


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bigfuckingfaggot101 bigfuckingfaggot101 Mar 15, 2018 08:32AM
harry poter
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the icicle fic by bigfuckingfaggot101
the icicle fic
two emo faggots get lost outside during the winter
ryden by bigfuckingfaggot101