
We aren't dating  anymore. Haven't been since May 37. Well, who cares! My name is Katie. That's my real pic. My current bestie is Emily(Girl In Former Picture) It's 1:18 and I should sleepbut screw sleep! Yup that's the life of a pre-teen


Hey! In the pic there's my boyfriend Donavan on the far...left? The guy! The guy is Donavan we're dating! The middle is my bffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff of the whole wide world!!!! Her name is Emily aka Emmy! I'm one the other side of her. I have glasses I'm in middle school and that picture was taken in English!


Hey! I donno when watt pad is gonna work when I have full service. And to junkymonkeyrocks, you may not like my stories their basically whatever is on my mind, fanfic, and my over exaggerated life.(I over exaggerate it to make since) along with anyone who isn't comfy with that. If so, you may as well unfollow me.