I can't decide whether to write a fanfic where Michael is famous, or where he's not famous... It's easier to write about him not being famous because there's so much more you can do with the characters. But it would be much more realistic if he's famous, 'cause that's just who he was. But then again, it's so hard to write this because we know so little about his private life, and how he really was, you know... What are your thoughts?

@bigmjfan1 literally and that can make you stuck. I make up new people, I even made Michael and Janet twins and made my own way of how he got a solo career

@DirtyTamara You know, you are completely right. We're not here to write a biography of his life. :) I would worry too much about having everything as accurate as possible.

@FangirlMuch Thanks for your reply, you're so sweet! It's not so much his personality I'm worried about, it's more like events that happened in real life, you know? I think I would worry too much about having everything as accurate as possible. I would feel like have less "freedom", in that sense...