So I'm starting up a Hemlock Grove fanfiction, previously called HELLFIRE. It can now be found under the name 'Burning Castle Godfrey'.
As some of you might notice, It's been a few months since I've written a chapter of it, or ANYTHING, and I am pleased and VERY excited to give the book a bit of a makeover and get it up and running again and have the inspiration to put my many ideas into it.
I have SO many ideas and set in stone plots for this book, and I can tell you know, It's going to be drama and action packed, romance, betrayal, conspiracy, secrets and lies and all the good stuff!
But of course if there's one thing you should know, it's that Hemlock Grove is a town of unpredictablilty and supernaturality.
I'm really working hard on it, and would love it if some of you Bill Skarsgård/Roman Godfrey fans could give it a read and support me on my journey to constructing my monstrosity of a project!