
my first chapter of matt bellamy smut is posted 


major announcement.
          as of today- i unpublished my imagines book. why? well, a truck load of crap is happening in my life rn. between work, school, social media, family etc. i have no motivation to keep writing. seasonal depression has came early this yeah so i am taking a break from writing atm. when things improve i'll try and start writing again as i know some of you have unfulfilled requests. dms r open as usual but i am taking a break from writing.
          see ya on the flip side ♥️


@billiejoess3xworker Hope things get better soon :)


hey guys another quick update 
          really sorry about my inactivity recently, i just started back at school, i work at the weekends and i have to study/do homework/take time for myself.
          i also am experiencing major writers block so if anyone has any requests at all PLEASE dm me!! it might take a few days but please, even just a prompt!!