Hey guys, im aware that my activity as of late has been inconsistent, so you know, guess that doesnt really matter. Anyway, had a short stint at the hospital, and after the fact found my insurance wont cover anything, so that said I need some financial aid.
I will work for it, I can do story commissions, at this point price is negotiable. I also have the equipment and at one point was versed in photoshop. I can also edit video, I have iff and on 4 to 5 years worth of experience. Finally as a list ditch i can attempt voice acting
Though i will say i have no experience whatsoever. So if you are interested in anything dm me on here and we can try to hash something out. At the very least like and retweet this thread on my twitter page to get more eyes on it. That in and of itself is a lot of help and greatly appreciated.
Thank you guys so much. This community is amazing and im so happy so be a part of it.