
oh hi umm just came to say that my cancer came back but in my brain explaining why i had my first ever seizure last night and uh yeah wish me luck did it once i can do it twice 


i love my friends. she literally dropped off a brown bag filled with candy and the bag saying “happy easter, miss ya!” for the other five of us. i’ve been friends with all them since elementary and it’s insane to me how we’ve all stuck together. i know y’all don’t care but thought i’d share :)


my blohsh necklace comes today :)))


@cpycqts oh wait i’m stupid it comes tomorrow 


mines not for so long 




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you know what i realized. that somehow i’m still alive after all the things i’ve been through the past year or so. i don’t keep track anymore all i know it’s been a while. but yesterday to me felt off just unusual like everyone, at least where i am from. everyone was like dead not active on social media not even the person i sent random videos to on instagram sent me anything. besides that, it was like 11 pm at night the thing that hasn’t happened to me in a while. i just didn’t like the way the day felt to me and how i was getting ignored which is also one of my biggest insecurity other than me thinking sending 50 text and thinking i’m annoying them. i just ended up crying myself to sleep and beating myself down saying shit a normal person shouldn’t say to themselves. today has been better, but i just had to say this 


i was exaggerating about 50 text messages but like if i send five text messages i’m like “that’s too much, you’re annoying them”


bby :(( i feel the same way and i do the same things :((( i get u 100% talk to me if u need 


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hola my friends. 
          no one answers me to these, but besides that tomorrow’s chapter is something kind of different.
          : it involved me doing some editing skills that i don’t have so just saying they suck ass.
          another update on my life; i like another girl now so that’s two, but i don’t know who i like more! one of them is the one i mostly talk about in my authors note and the other one. holy sh!t she’s just everything the fact she asks me to wear my hoodie in like a baby voice 
          that’s pretty much it okayyyy byee and see y’all tomorrow with a new update, and thank you for almost 20k! :)


hi! i’m excited for the chapter :)) and aww omg 