
Hi there, 
          	I just wanted to make a quick and final announcement for readers that I will be publishing chapter 8 (part II)  of My Lonely Black Wolf two days from now on Halloween. I am about 75% done since I wrote a majority of it on my phone during my clinical rotation today on my lunch break.  All that is left is finishing the other 25% and looking over it at least once before I hit that publish button. With that said, it will also be my final update for any ffs in general.  I will be taking my writing hiatus two months earlier than intended because my school schedule has been rough and hectic.  I just want to sleep these days, haha. ^^; Thanks and have a great day! Stay safe too!  :)


A star has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A triangle has 3 ends. A line has 2 ends. But a circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to all your friends. If you get 5 back, you're a good friend. If you get 10, you're popular. If you get 15, DAMN I'M JEALOUS!!!


Just checking if you are alive


@Iris278 Hi, I am definitely still alive. Thanks for checking in. I just need some time to take a break from writing in general because school was mentally and physically taxing on me, and also because I am transitioning to my new job in a residency program. Hope all goes well for you and stay safe! :)


Yo Binging! Long time no read/write? Lol, anyway. I just got back from hiatus. How are you? Remembered you suddenly because of your fic the Hangry Lucas haha! Just in time for Spoon's latest chapter. Anyway, just dropping by to say hello!


@obelianarchivist Long time no chat! I saw your message through my g-mail and thought to reply back since I am taking a mini-study break. I am actually doing fine, though a tad stress and a bit paranoid, haha. I graduated last December,  though I had some family matters, and obstacles after graduation that took a toll on my mental health and delayed my studying and exam date. I just managed to pick myself back up recently. I am actually preparing to do my nclex-rn next month, so I have been binging questions like crazy, but I am also working full-time, so it's a bit difficult, but overall I am doing well and am learning a lot. How are you? Congrats on returning back from hiatus. I have been out of date with wmmap chapters, though I plan to binge them once I finish that exam. I remembered that fanfic I wrote last summer because I was bored and wanted to write something light-hearted, which was inspired by your translations btw^^;  If you didn't translate that chapter, that fanfic wouldn't have existed. Thanks for liking that fanfic btw! ^w^ I look forward to reading your fanfics after I get that exam out of the way.


Hallo, just checking in on how you’re doing(●’◡’●)ノ it’s been a while since we’ve talked. I hope that your exams and studies are doing well, and that you’re also taking care of yourself❤️ I can’t wait for more of your stories and, as I wait for you to return lmao, I’ll be catching up on your stories(•̀ᴗ•́)و


@ShiningSagi Yeah, especially when things happen out of the blue. I had to really take a break from studying for a while because of my mental health.  But yeah, things are picking up quickly and my productivity levels are skyrocketing. I stopped at the amnesia arc too.  I am scheduled to take my nclex next month, so it's kind of nerve-wrecking 


It’s okay it’s okay, I didn’t expect you to reply until a week or a month later tbh XD. That sounds like so much stress, I hope that everything is going well!! And omg yeah, I’ve paused reading wmmap for a while until the whole amnesia arc has been resolved so I’m behind as well. Hopefully it’ll be done once you’re more free too, so that we’ll be caught up together lmao. Thank you, everything is great with uni. There’s lots of free time now too so I’m able to read and write a little bit more, but finals are coming up so I’ll be studying for that soon. I’m hoping that all goes well with you as well, and stay safe and healthy❤️❤️❤️


@ShiningSagi Sorry for the late reply. DX  I haven't talked with you for a while. I haven't gone on wattpad either. But yeah, I am just preparing for residency, working, and studying at the same time. I hope to return as soon as I can for reading and writing ffs. I look forward to your works as well. :D I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of both ffs and wmmap. I haven't read wmmap for several months already, so I am super out of touch and lagging behind on the storyline. ^^;   I hope all is going well for you with your studies because you seem really busy as well. <3 Hope all goes well and that you stay safe!


Yo Bing. How's life in your dimension?


@CrazyWmmapfan Thanks! Same DX I tend to be paranoid at times too, but I just have to keep telling myself that everything will go well. Studying for nursing boards is no joke. DX


@CrazyWmmapfan It kinda is. Just me being a paranoid over-reacting human being. And!! ALL THE BEST. FIGHTING !!


@CrazyWmmapfan  Kind of crazy rn. DX Preparing for residency and exam is coming up in one month. I hope everything is going smoothly for you. <3