
What if panindigan mo na lang ‘tong nararamdaman ko? 


“Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some of them are happy and some of them are exciting. But, If you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter has in store for you”
          ΔHello! Thea_Virlix here. I wrote this to remind you that Life is full of mystery. It was full of happiness and It's also full of sadness to the point that you just wanna quit. Hey! Life is Life. Just live with it no matter hard it is. You wanna know why? Because someday, You'll be proud at yourself for being a good fighter and for being a strong person. Lovelotss!❤



“If you get tired, Learn to rest. Not to QUIT”
          ▶Hello! You Feel tired? If you're tired, Rest. No matter how suffocating Earth is, Please do not ever think to Quit. It's better to rest. After you rest, Fight. Just Fight no matter problems you'll face today, tomorrow or everyday. That's life. You can't get rid of those problems you'll face in the present or in the future. All you need to do is to be strong and face it. Always remember that you must rest when you feel tired and fight again. Fight, Fight, Fight! Lovelots!❤