Hi, Authornim Madz!
You probably know me. Gab, your baby, your girl.
Authornim, thank you for calling me a baby. Whenever you call me that, my heart jumps. And that's so sweet of you. I really love your stories, authornim. The pain, the tears, the giggles, and the screams, it's all worth it. As I said, I really love reading and I'm thankful that I found your stories. Especially the Underneath the Moonlight Evermore, huhu my heart. The way you write, AAAAAAAAA it's really cute. I hope I can see you in person so I could give you my sweet hug, I hope one day. I'm always here to support you and your stories, authornim. Thank you for your love and kindness . I hope you find inspirations so you can continue writing, though no pressure. It's worth the wait. Thank you for everything, stay healthy. Stay safe to you and to your family, authornim. Mwaa , lovelots!