
i just can't believe i get to be someone's "sweetest, prettiest, most caring and loving" girl


[Wednesday, Aug 24. 18:39]
          she hugged her friends, but not me. she's all excited when she talk to others but not even once with me. i think she never loves me the way i love her either


i want someone who loves me too


why can't i get someone that need me as much as i need them?


you've made laugh the hardest and also cry the most. you made me happy like no else can but you also made me sad the same way. yes, you, not any of my crushes. you think last week was my worst cries? no, you can do better than him


mcm siot je, aku tunggu kau nk rep punya la lama sekali reply sepatah je. mcm mana aku nk meluah kt kau sorg je kalau aku rasa mcm aku ni annoying sbb aku rasa kau layan aku nak taknak. kalau ada masalah, cakap. kalau tkde mood tpi tanak cite pun cakap, takde nya aku nk marah. kalau aku annoying pun ckp. aku suka dgr kau bercakap. dgn besties kau yg lain bole je ckp byk tpi dgn aku diam seribu bahasa, ape? semak ke aku ni? kalau kau rasa aku nyusahkan kau bagitau, aku pun tk ingin la nk susahkan org ni lagi ii kau. aku nk tgk kau bahagia je