
Since I'm re-writing The Alba Insignis anyway, I decided to post my unfinished chapters 6 and 7. Just a fair warning, they are unfinished and unedited so they may not be the best.


Heyo! I'm kind of back? Maybe? So, updates.
          I've lost interest in The Crossover Games and have unpublished it. If anyone would like to take over The Crossover Games just message me about it.
          Now for my favorite story, The Alba Insignis. I will probably be re-writing The Alba Insignis but maybe with a different style of writing. I've been developing the personalities of the characters a lot more and I think that I should be able to write their characters better. I've also been tossing around making the story third person instead. What do you guys think?


are you planning to update the crossover games?


Ah, I was just looking forwards for it, that is all :) 


@OmaimaAkbar Kira has been gone for a long time, and I'll message the other two now


i thought they were other writers too?


So, The Alba Insignis chapter 4 is done so once I finish editing and proofreading I will post it. I also have another character back story and chapter 5 being written currently.
          About The Crossover Games, I still need to watch the actual gameshow first before I can start writing. Also if someone could help me with dialogue and drama stuff between characters could you PM me?
          I also have college soon which will probably take up a lot of time so I will try to have a few chapters ready to be published.


Thanks for the follow! 


Alright makes sense. Are you going to post the contestants in the cast section? 


@GreatGustav No problem, apparently I can't mention people in a story part unless I follow them. Thanks for the follow back.