
Hello, everyone! 
          	I’m afraid that this post bears some rather bad news for all those waiting on an update on the stories (mostly the Hope and Destiny). 
          	Unfortunately, since the beginning of this year and partially of the last, I have been in a health battle. One in which it has become hard for me to accomplish even the smallest of things. 
          	I still have the fullest intentions to finish Hope and Destiny along with other new and old creations, however I want to be transparent when I say it will take a while due to me taking care of myself. 
          	This is not to say you should stop engaging with the stories, sharing them, commenting and what not, it is to warn and offer the expectations of the reality I’m facing. And finally confronting.
          	I hope I haven’t disappointed too many, and I hope that you will all still be around when I can carry on like normal. 


Hello, everyone! 
          I’m afraid that this post bears some rather bad news for all those waiting on an update on the stories (mostly the Hope and Destiny). 
          Unfortunately, since the beginning of this year and partially of the last, I have been in a health battle. One in which it has become hard for me to accomplish even the smallest of things. 
          I still have the fullest intentions to finish Hope and Destiny along with other new and old creations, however I want to be transparent when I say it will take a while due to me taking care of myself. 
          This is not to say you should stop engaging with the stories, sharing them, commenting and what not, it is to warn and offer the expectations of the reality I’m facing. And finally confronting.
          I hope I haven’t disappointed too many, and I hope that you will all still be around when I can carry on like normal. 


Thank you guys for the reads, votes and follows truly! I know I have plenty of you waiting on the conclusion to the SuperCanary wedding and so do I, but currently I have a lot going on in life that’s preventing me from sitting down and really writing it. I will be getting back to it though once things settle down and I’m hoping that is very very soon. I’m sorry you’ve all waited so long, I’m right there with you. SuperCanary will have their ending soon. 


All right all right all right! That big moment you've all been waiting for! Part 3 of the SuperCanary wedding is FINALLY written! I will be reviewing/revising it and within the next few days my lovelies, you will have (drumroll please) . . . SUPERCANARY WEDDING PART 3!!! I might be a little more excited than you are, and that's okay! I've been waiting on this just as long as you guys have, maybe longer so I hope you'll get excited and enjoy with me! Much love!


hey everyone! First I wanna thank all of you for the constant reads, votes, adds, and comments to Hope and Destiny- you guys rock! I wanna secondly thank you for your patience toward me in writing it. I'm happy to announce I'm finally working on chapter 13 aka part 3 of the SuperCanary wedding and I hope to have it up soon!