
Chapter Three of Bringing Color to You is now finished. Chapters 4-7 will be posted soon. 


Hi! You've been giving my story some attention lately and it's really appreciated. I'm glad you can relate to the characters and that I've been able to provide the representation I was aiming for. Thanks and I'll be sure to check out some of your stories :D


@errormessage Ah yeah ive just survived the one but i cant talk bout it much because of how i lost my arm. i call it an accident just so people wont ask more questions. I also have a prosthetic arm called a Lti Boston Digital arm system and a normal myoelectric prosthetic hand and hook. My arm works by muscle contrations. i flex a certain muscle either bicept or tricept and hand or hook either opens or closes. My muscle contractions are picked up by two electrodes stragetically placed on either the front or back of my stump/little arm. And i use it for certain things like typing. txting, eating sometimes,  etc. 


That's one of the reasons, yes. Grover feels a huge amount of guilt, mostly due to all the stress his amputation put on his mother. 
            I've survived a few suicide attempts myself but none of them were extreme, so I'm glad I've managed to capture the feeling. 


@errormessage You are welcome. Youve gotten alot of how it feels surviving a suicide attempt spot on. Though me personally i feel a lot of guilt. Guilt on how my sister had to go through almost losing a sister and guilt on how my whole family almost lost me. So does Gavin feel guilt from his arm amputation? Is that a reason behind why he went to scene of his accident/suicide attempt? 


Hello. Thanks for the follow! I hope you can check out my story Untold Secrets. 
          Also i read your bio and I just wanted to say it's so amazing that you continue to write with all you are going through. And all the obstacles you face , its really inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Never give up on writing or any of your dreams. Thanks again. :-)


Thank you. I really hope you enjoy it! And that's amazing, all that hard work really shows how important writing is to you. Definitely good advice. Never give up! 


@DarkOnyx_ I'll definitely be sure to check out your story. The first thing I had worried about after my injuries WAS whether or not I'd still be able to write. I was determined even then to learn to write, type, and text left handed. I even had a left handed speech therapist give me tips on how to write that way. What I'm trying to say is I'm glad I could inspire someone, and my tip for any other writers with disabilities and even those without is Never, Ever give up. :)


Thanks for voting for my book and commenting and following me :) I appreciate it :)


No problem :)


@LauraKay123 You are very much welcome. So sorry I didnt reply sooner as my tablet was on the charger. 


Thank u for read and voting on suicide games 


Keep posted I am not done yet and update every weekend .... and is there anything I can do for you my Friend


@richardknightwalker You are very much welcome. It is an interesting story. 