
Probably nobody cares, but I'm back from my unexpected break. Will hopefully be updating "Seven Requiems," but we'll see how that goes.


You have such a refreshing yet completely familiar poetry. It's like treading on mundane things made powerful and striking. When I read your poems, they taste something; they are heartfelt and vivid. Sharp. I feel more than I read. I just want to say, they are really good. I can't say it enough. 


@citrus_aurantiifolia You are most welcome. 


@xblufire That makes me indescribably glad to hear. Thank you.


@citrus_aurantiifolia You're welcome! Words are inadequate sometimes (most of the time) but your poetry is really amazing. As of my feedback, I wouldn't want to say anything more. Just write and feel and write. Keep writing! I'm sorry, this is absolutely foolish. Haha. But I just want you to know that continue what you are doing, your writing will shape itself; the rest will follow. I am saying it: you write good (‘can place you among authors I admire). 