Hi ☺️ if you're looking for something new to read on wattpad , you should check out my story "Inevitable"! It's an angsty romance!
Hai, kak. Kalo ada waktu, silakan mampir ke lapakku yuk http://my.w.tt/UiNb/pzUoXmcm7D
Barangkali kamu suka dan jangan lupa tinggalkan jejakmu, oke?
Feedback? Ask aja:)
Makasih banyak^^
Hai romance lover. Kalau penasaran dg romance pengacara LBH yuk jatuh cinta di work aku: DEVILS INSIDE
kalau penasaran dg romance pemilik pulau pribadi silakan ke THE PRIVATE ISLAND OWNER
Hai, bipolardisorderrr. Salam kenal.
Suka cerita action? Baca cerita action aku yuk. Judulnya 5: Future Fighter. Ditunggu kedatanganmu di sana. Terima kasih ya ^^
There's romantic inside, but not as much as others. If you don't want to read it, thats okay. I can accept it. Everyone has their own taste. Thanks before ^^
@firefliesip i've visit ur profile, i love all of the cover from ur story but i'm a romantic kind of girl, so i'll read an action story if there's any love story inside. But thank you btw