Nobody /listens/ to what I need to say, or rather what I want to say. I talked to him on my own accord - and I used that chance to tell him we were NOT friends, and that us having a mutual in common did not give him excuse nor reason to talk to me, and that I could go to the office about what he’s said to me and my friends, but I was nice and I hadn’t. I warned him that I was done being a doormat, and therefore he should be careful where he stepped. And if anyone would listen to what I had to say instead of cutting me off at “I talked to [boy]-“ they’d know I’m no longer crewing around and I’m no longer being the nice girl next door.

So I guess I’m getting the silent treatment from certain folks right now, but you know what I think? If you’re not going to fully listen to what I have to say, there’s no point in me speaking anyways. Two can play the silent game, and believe me when I say, it won’t be me who regrets this. This leaves me more free time than I want or need, considering the person is a big part of my day to day life, so if anyone wants to strike up a conversation, hit me up I guess. I can’t promise I won’t still be grumpy though.