
Oh my goodness! I came on to 280 notifications...whaaaat


If Steven was a diamond, that would explain his telepathic connection with Blue diamond through dreams, seeing as Yellow also know where she was when she was extremely sad. Though it is obvious that the tears are also because of their proximity to Blue Diamond herself as seen in the trial, it doesn't explain why when on earth, Steven cried when the Crystal Gems didn't.


Though you have a great point, my only personal concern with this theory is the fact that no matter how good a gem is at shapeshifting, they cannot fully replace their gem. When we saw Amethyst shapeshift into Jasper, she appeared to have Jasper's nose gem, but didn't change her own gem, simply covering it. Other wise, a gem as powerful as a diamond should be able to hold that form for longer than our Amethyst. 