
pov u thought u were doing better but youve unnoticedly started feeling more and more dead inside


@bisexual_book-lover Heyy hru?? doesnt seem to well-


@bisexual_book-lover That sucks. What happened now? Is it the same reason as before?


Hey! How are you? Just popping in to check up on you.
          I want you to know that you're one of the best people I met here on Wattpad, and I love you so much, okay? So take care of yourself!! And remember that if you ever need something, I'll always be here to help you out!
          Have a day/night/afternoon as lovely as you!


wassup people small message from this creator they're busy right now they're fine 


@CallmeTpose tell her I miss her sooooo much she was and is like a little sister to me and I hope she gets better!!! 


Oh okay phew but if she told multiple- nvm well see you around! :]


@CallmeTpose I know why she isn't here, dw. another one of her friends told us


this message may be offensive
I miss you so much...
          I'm literally about to cry because it feels so odd without you. My only hope to talking to you is Rosie and she hasn't responded in a while either. I'm gonna be honest that you were, along with my boyfriend, sister, and dog, one of my main reasons for living. I wanted to make you happy and I loved every single time you talked to me and it made me feel happy to know you really cared for me. I can't believe it's been almost a month. God, it feels like longer. It's so different, even if it's just without you. I thought losing my teacher for the next couple months was gonna be bad but man... This was worse. I just want to talk to you so badly and see how you're doing and it seems kinda silly but I really just want to talk to you. You're an amazing person and I know that you will never see this but sometimes I honestly feel like dying and my main reason to keep going is because I could possibly talk to you again. I'm really trying to stay positive but having to deal with the loss of Elvis soon and not being able to have you there with me is going to be like hell. And normally I say that as a joke, but this time it isn't. You always knew what to say when I was sad and you were just an amazing person. Truly, anyone who doesn't see that can fuck themselves because you're one of the best people I know.
          I miss you...
          Please come back...


@honakanaiscool This a message from Sophie and she says "im trying my hardest and I can't wait to get back in touch soon" also she is very sorry about Elvis


hii!! i was wondering how are u??? ur usually really active so im a bit worried


            Hey I'm a little late but MelMel Is okay. Her parents found her accounts so she won't be on but shes okay


i definitely did not just cry in the bathroom for a few minutes


stop wait i’m gonna cry where did u go are u okay